Vortrag zu “Human-Aided AI” auf dem Hybrid Human-AI Systems Workshop an der LMU München

I am delighted to contribute to the International Workshop: Perspectives on Hybrid Human–AI Systems. Bringing Together Interdisciplinary Approaches, organised by Prof. Dr. Johannes Moser and Libuše Hannah Vepřek, with an invited talk on “Human-Aided AI as a philosophical paradigm in ethics and critical theory of AI”.

Relevant research articles

  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer. 2020. „Human-Aided Artificial Intelligence: Or, How to Run Large Computations in Human Brains?“ New Media & Society 22 (10): 1868–84. doi:10.1177/1461444819885334.
  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer. 2023. Die Macht der Daten. Warum Künstliche Intelligenz eine Frage der Ethik ist. V&R unipress, Universitätsverlag Osnabrück. doi:10.14220/9783737015523.
  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer. 2023. „Predictive Privacy: Collective Data Protection in the Context of AI and Big Data“. Big Data & Society, 1–14. doi:10.1177/20539517231166886.
  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer. 2021. „Predictive Privacy: Towards an Applied Ethics of Data Analytics“. Ethics and Information Technology. doi:10.1007/s10676-021-09606-x.
  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer, und Theresa Willem. 2023. „Social Media Advertising for Clinical Studies: Ethical and Data Protection Implications of Online Targeting“. Big Data & Society, 1–15. doi:10.1177/20539517231156127.
  1. Mühlhoff, Rainer, und Hannah Ruschemeier. 2024. „Regulating AI via Purpose Limitation for Models“. AI Law and Regulation. https://dx.doi.org/10.21552/aire/2024/1/5.
